About us
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Rauman Akku Oy

  • Founded in 1958
  • Wide stock variety, with over 30 000 individual items in stock
  • Our service is designed to help the customer to their own job more easily
  • The customer can focus on their core competence
  • Inventory management is controlled by an ERP -system
  • Supply chain management is improved by an ABC-logic program
  • Our service value is over 98%

Enviroment and quality

Our operation follows ISO 9001 : 2008- (quality), ISO 14001 : 2004- (environmental) -standards. In our environmental politic were are committed on improving environmental issues and to follow environmental legislation and regulatory provisions. We also follow OHSAS 18001 : 2007 (Work, Health and Safety) standard hence giving special attention to the well-being, neatness and organization of our work force.

Co-operation with Rauman Akku is on steady ground

We have been given the AAA- credit rating since 1996, in addition to annually receiving a Strongest in Finland -certification. These tell our clients about our credit rating and solvency, as well as our wide field of experience and expertise in customer service.


"We offer technical solutions both to businesses and personal clients with quality and professionalism, suited to their needs."


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